The Salvation Station -158 West Academy St. in Albion, NY.
We are so pleased to present The Salvation Station to you.
This historic building has quite a history as a grain mill, built in 1920. It is at the crossroads of Academy St. and Railroad Ave, adjacent to the railroad tracks.
In 1837 sandstone was found in Oak Orchard Creek near Medina and quarrying became an important industry. At one time around the turn of the century,
48 quarries were in operation.
The grain mill in Albion was built largely of Medina sandstone.
The passing years and the advent of the machine age have wrought many changes in the local Orlean’s County economy.
The first large industry to bow to change was the quarry industry. Using cement was more cost effective and efficient than hiring stone cutters.
Ownership of the building changed hands several times due to fires and companies buying out other businesses.
The Ralston Purina Company operated a grain warehouse at 158 West Academy from 1959 through the early 1970’s
Salvation Station
Underwriter’s Map 1917 – Woods & Sprague Milling Company
“At the Crossroads” of W. Academy and Railroad Street
Unity in the Body of Christ
Ephesians 4:1-6
4 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Who we are:
Salvation Station is place where believers in our Lord Jesus Christ can be unified in a common purpose. God has called us to minister the gospel to the neighborhoods surrounding Salvation Station.
What we value:
Our relationship with Lord is our primary consideration in this life. What God has given to us freely must be freely given to all people–His love and grace .
What we want to become:
Salvation Station has a desire to become a lighthouse for God shining His light in Albion NY, Orleans Cty., and as far as that light can shine. This vision began with a man who has spent his life serving God. He sees the unity of believers as a necessity to the furtherance of the gospel.
How we will achieve our vision:
There is so much to be done! Let’s pray together for an organized path to the implementation of this strategy and the accomplishments of these plans.
Each person has something to offer so that the development of the building and of the grounds will be attractive and honoring to our Lord.
Come and share your ideas and your talents.
Ultimate success:
To preface this section, let’s recognize that God had a Perfect Plan for His purpose or goal to be accomplished. That purpose is the redemption of mankind. He has used, over the decades past, people who’s hearts were willing to work and were open to God’s will.
The goal of all of our labors is to develop together, with one mind and heart, a place in Albion for people to visit and to be nurtured in the Word of God.